Are the Halloween Snacks getting Scary Already?

Whether you decide to dress up and trick-or-treat for candy yourself or just let your little ones do it for you (and yes I have personal experience with toting around a six-month old in a costume and stroller and making sure her bag was filled with candy and she made it to every house!! Yes, I am embarrassed to admit that! But my husband must share in the blame! Sorry Tim :) Halloween candy can get very scary if you're trying to lose weight....If those Snickers goblins and Skittles witches have already found you, we hope you'll find an Equipped meeting this week...Equipped will prepare you for the battle of Halloween candy so you can win with: Smart Snacking Strategies and Helpful Nutrition Tips about those monstrous treats you may be handing out this weekend! Great information too for your kids, who may not seem to care about the calories and sugar content!!! But we do! Right mamas and papas????!!!!
Hope to see you at Hickory Grove Tuesday night 5:30-6:00 or Lakeside Christian Wednesday night 5:45-6:15
Contact Julie for more information!

2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Enjoy the strength of the Lord when you feel weak!
Hope to see you this week!
In Him,


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