The Equipped Ministries Story

Our Story.......

The story of Equipped Ministries began with a passion for an audience and developed with a passion for Jesus Christ.  Several years ago, upon hearing a conversation my mother was having about my desire to be in front of an audience, I remember hearing, "Well she didn't get it from us!"  It was then that it became clear to me that God had bestowed a passion and gift I MUST begin to use to glorify and serve Him.  Having recently lost over 50lbs., it had become obvious that my weight had been an incredible barrier for me and the freedom I was experiencing through weight loss and Christ was a story I wanted desperately to share......
With that, and a little "Holy Spirit intervention" via a Beth Moore simulcast at Hickory Grove Baptist in Independence, KY in the Fall of 2008, Equipped Ministries was born!
A Health and Wellness program, with a focus on weight loss through Christ, Equipped Ministries works on site with men and women of all ages to lose weight, feel great and move to serve God!
All based on the scripture, "You are thoroughly equipped for every good work....."2 Timothy 3:17......And that includes losing weight, living healthy and serving Christ!

With another burgeoning passion to share my testimony about experiencing miracles and blessings through tragedy, Equipped Ministries also facilitates workshops on Love, Life and God's Great Blessings in the worst of times....Having lost my dear, sweet, funny, kind and incredibly loving brother tragically on January 26th, 2009 I have vowed to share his story to honor, memorialize and through God's great mercy possible save others from the same tragedy!
If you would like more information about Equipped Ministries please contact me directly at 802-8965 or email me at
Thanks for reading!
In Him,


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